The long off-season is almost over, but we still have a little time to kill.
August is almost done – we have a little over a week before the summer officially begins to wind down and camps and pre-season games begin to be talked about. September’s not just the start of fall, it’s the start of hockey – so it’s hopefully the end of heat and humidity and boredom all at once.
Thank you so much to all of you who sent in Mail Bag questions last go-round. If you have any new questions as the season start edges closer, fire away. Please either ask on Twitter using the #GameTimeMailBag hashtag or send us an email at hildymacgt at gmail dot com, and we’ll get to work answering whatever is floating around your brains.
As an aside, we will be opening up the Game Time Yahoo! fantasy hockey leagues soon and the draft dates will get set up. If you’re already a member, please keep your eyes peeled for your renewal info. If you don’t want to participate this year, we’re sorry to see you go – but please remove your team from the league so we can get things opened up for new participants.
Here’s looking forward to another season of forgetting to set our lineups!